
Bundle Cargo crates for use with macOS/iOS in Xcode

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

cargo-cocoapods - Build Rust code for Xcode integration


cargo install cargo-cocoapods

You'll also need to install all the toolchains you intend to use. Simplest way is with the following:

rustup target add \
    x86_64-apple-darwin \
    aarch64-apple-darwin \
    x86_64-apple-ios \
    aarch64-apple-ios \

Modify as necessary for your use case.


Type cargo pod --help for information.

Supported hosts

  • macOS (x86_64 and arm64)

Similar projects

  • cargo-ndk - for building Android libraries
  • cargo-lipo - for building iOS universal Rust libraries


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.

Uyghurs are under attack in Xinjiang. The Chinese government is placing millions of people into indoctrination camps and engaging in forced labour.