
Automated approach to AWS Resource Observability

AWS SSM Automation Runbook to Setup AWS Config with Amazon Athena and Grafana Cloud

An automated approach to AWS resource inventory observability with AWS Systems Manager, Config, Athena, and Grafana

What does this CloudFormation template do?

This template will deploy an SSM Automation runbook called Resource-Inventory-Visualization that can be used to set up AWS Config to be used with Amazon Athena and Grafana Cloud to visualize your AWS resources - cross-account and cross-region

Running the Resource-Inventory-Visualization Automation Runbook


  1. Configure Delivering Configuration Snapshot to an Amazon S3 Bucket for AWS.
  2. Ensure access to your S3 Bucket that is used for AWS Config.
  3. The S3 Bucket Name used with AWS Config.
  4. Grafana Cloud Account
  5. Configure the Athena Plugin within your Grafana Cloud Instance

Deploy CloudFormation template

The AWS CloudFormation template deploys an SSM automation runbook called Resource-Inventory-Visualization. It is used to set up AWS Config for use with Athena.

  • Download and save the CloudFormation template resource-inventory-automation.yaml.
  • Open the AWS CloudFormation console.
  • Choose Create stack.
  • For Specify template, choose Upload a template file, choose the file you saved locally, resource-inventory-automation.yaml, and choose Next.
  • For Stack name, enter Resource-Inventory-Visualization, and choose Next.
  • Leave the defaults on the Configure stack options page and choose Next.
  • On the review page, check the box I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names, and choose Create stack.

Input Parameters for the Resource-Inventory-Visualization Automation Runbook

  • ConfigDeliveryChannelName: (Required) Name of your AWS Config Delievery Channel. The default is set to the value of default.
  • ConfigS3BucketLocation: (Required) AWS Config S3 Bucket Name, this is the name of your S3 Bucket you currently use for AWS Config. (ie, config-bucket-1234567891)
  • AutomationAssumeRole: (Optional) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf.
  • DeleteConfigVisualization: (Optional) Set this to true if you would like to delete the resources created to enable this solution. The default is set to false, which will set up the solution.

Creating Visuals in Grafana Cloud

The Resource-Inventory-Visualization Automation Runbook will create the below views and datasets within Amazon Athena.

  • v_config_rules_compliance
  • v_config_resource_compliance
  • v_config_rds_dbinstances
  • v_config_iam_resources
  • v_config_ec2_vpcs
  • v_config_ec2_instances
  • v_config_resources

Import the Dashboard JSON into Grafana Cloud

Download the Resource Inventory dashboard JSON file.

In Grafana, go to Dashboards and click New > Import. Upload the JSON file that you previously Downloaded.

The dashboard will now populate with your resource inventory data.

Grafana Resource Inventory Dashboard

This dashboard is only a starting point—depending on what resources you want to visualize, you can add additional views in Athena, Additional Panels, and more dashboards in Grafana.