
Paper Wallet for any cryptocoin

Primary LanguageHTML

Crypto Coin Paper wallet generator

This javascript-based paper wallet generator allows you to print handy paper wallets.
It does NOT generate addresses and keys for you but simply allows you to make a nicely formatted wallet using the pre-generated information.

How to use
1) Open the paper wallet generator on paperwaller.futuresoftware.nl or locally
2) Disconnect your computer from the internet
3) Enter the name of the cryptocoin in the top-left field
4) Enter the public information in the left side.
   You can enter 1 or 2 public strings and specify the name of that key.
   Usually the title will be "Address" and you can enter the public address in the field below.
   A QR-code is auto-created.
5) Enter the private information on the right side.
    Enter the type of key name like: "Private Key" and the actual key below that.
    You can enter 3 different keys/secrets/etc.
6) Click the print link at the top-left to auto-remove unused fields.

Visit the paper wallet generator at http://paperwallet.futuresoftware.nl/