To create a no-bullshit-attractive-static-HTML-website and give the impression there is some "dynamic" content in it. Cleanliness and clarity are important.
- Full width slideshow with pictures of the different sections of the club. The pictures are shuffled on every refresh so people cannot complain a certain picture is always there when they open the page.
- Facebook Page plugin
- Gallery with 20 randomly chosen pictures from the Facebook page. Updated every day.
- Calendar showing ALL individual calendars from Teamer/Teamingly/ AND facebook events from the Facebook page. The Facebook events are only updated at a certain time every day, so updates do not occur instantaneously.
- Sponsors images with links. Good visibility is important.
- Footer with all social buttons and contact info. Very easy to send a quick email or check our address.
- General information
- A customised calendar showing all trainings and fixtures. It is connected to Teamer/Teamingly/.
This section is reserved for other matters like the history of the club and other extra-curricular activities.
Middleman (a Ruby static site generator) using Slim as a template engine.
There are some helpers defined in config.rb
like nav_link
, create_heading
and page_title
that help when
writing the markup.
Others are provided by the Padrino framework.
Pushing will trigger a Travis build. Travis will build the site,
run some tests and upload to another GitHub-Pages-enabled-repo
using the middleman-deploy
gem and an access token.
This behaviour can be avoid by committing and including the text
[ci skip]
somewhere in the commit message.
Pull requests will not build.
The website can also be deployed by running rake deploy_droplet
if a server is configured beforehand. Just figure something out
with the /build/
Check the Rakefile, config.rb and .travis.yml !
RubyGems are all provided in the Gemfile to use with Bundler.
Sprockets is used to
manage JS assets mainly. It concatenates and uglifies all the
necessary files. The latter are 'imported' with //= require
Rakefile to execute simple tasks is available too.
Sass files are automatically generated, the main Sass file is
located at: assets/css/style.sass
, and it uses partials (with
, not Sprockets!) from the same folder and other gems (like
bootstrap). Compiles to assets/css/style.css
, which is
Another stylesheet - assets/css/delayed.sass
- is loaded after
the document is ready, to make HTML parsing and rendering seem a
bit faster.
Bootstrap framework (v3.3.5) -
All sponsor images are put in a folder which is then passed to Compass to generate the sprite PNG and the necessary CSS. This process is automatic and makes it very simple to just add or remove sponsors when needed.
Copy an image to /assets/img/sponsors/
and it will be available
with the class .sponsors-<name-of-image>
The images are then put in a kind of 'masonry' layout, which does not look too bad.
OPTIONAL: Emacs Org mode - to generate docs
). Otherwise just edit markdown.
First two things are bundler and rake. Install all dependencies with
bundle install
Then run:
rake preview
or middleman server
The site should be available at:
Everything works out of the box, if you have a JavaScript runtime,
like JavaScriptCore for Mac OS X (Webkit) or something like Node
JS. Otherwise install one of these or uncomment the line gem therubyracer
in the Gemfile and run bundler to have a dedicated
Ruby-Javascript runtime.
Files in the partials folder mainly. Generated with PHP scripts (using Facebook Graph API) elsewhere and pushed with a Machine User every X minutes using cron.
It will generate:
- A number of
tags (10) with random pictures, to use with a gallery in the landing page. - A JSON object containing all Facebook events, stored in a
variable in a
file (for simplicity and so Sprockets can require it) - Updated league tables with scores, to include in the different sections.
Events that Fullcalendar shows that are not on Facebook are updated on the fly with Ajax.
A Facebook page plugin is also used in the landing page. This is a simplified version of the original one, which was built from scratch using the Facebook Graph API, and is more convenient. This one, and the fotorama gallery are loaded only when the user scrolls past a certain point, to avoid having to load it at the beginning.
gem is used to make redirects. For example, some people still append/site/en/
, since that was the normal use with the old website. For the rest of pages, a custom 404 is provided to go back to the home page. -
Contact forms supported by Formspree - although a good idea - are dropped for the moment due to the lack of a clear Privacy Policy. A contact list is provided instead.
Automatically pushing "dynamic content" with the Machine User could break stuff or have unintended results. However Travis CI could avoid this, since it runs tests before deployment, and if one step fails, it does not carry on, hence it will not deploy.
Include PHP scripts in this repo or submodule.
Using the Google Maps API, create a nice map showing where all members come from, extracting info using the Facebook Graph API. Then link it to string: "most international rugby club".
Make use of the blogging feature/extension to make the website feel even more 'alive' (who is going to be in charge of writing posts/news/updates?)
Make use of Middleman's i18n feature and translate the content to Dutch and French.
Related to above: use
folder for different purposes. Read middleman docs on it.