
Laravel 4.2.x cURL Wrapper for Andreas Lutro's OOP cURL Class

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Laravel cURL Wrapper for Andreas Lutro's OOP cURL Class


To install the package, simply add the following to your Laravel installation's composer.json file

"require": {
	"laravel/framework": "5.*",
	"mattbrown/laracurl": "2.0.0"  

Run the usual composer update to pull the files. Then, add the following Service Provider to your providers array in your config/app.php config.

'providers' => array(


Simple GET Request

$response = Laracurl::get('http://www.google.com');

Easily Build URL With Query String Attached

$url = Laracurl::buildUrl('http://www.google.com', ['s' => 'curl']);
$response = Laracurl::get($url);

post() accepts array of POST data

$url = Laracurl::buildUrl('http://api.somedomain.com', ['token' => 'token_val']);
$response = Laracurl::post($url, ['post' => 'data']);

Prefix 'json' to method to post as JSON

$response = Laracurl::jsonPut($url, ['post' => 'data']);

Prefix 'raw' to method to post as JSON

$response = Laracurl::rawPost($url, 'raw string data ...');

###The Response Object###

The $response variable in above examples represents an object as well.

// Return Headers

// Return Status Code

// Response Body

// cURL Info

####Response Headers example####


array (size=22)
  'HTTP/1.1' => string '200 OK' (length=6)
  'Server' => string 'nginx/1.5.11' (length=12)
  'Date' => string 'Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:25:01 GMT' (length=29)
  'Content-Type' => string 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' (length=31)
  'Transfer-Encoding' => string 'chunked' (length=7)
  'Connection' => string 'keep-alive' (length=10)
  'Status' => string '200 OK' (length=6)
  'X-API-Version' => string 'v2' (length=2)
  'X-Frame-Options' => string 'SAMEORIGIN' (length=10)
  'X-Origin-Server' => string 'app.pod1.ord.sample.com' (length=24)
  'X-UA-Compatible' => string 'IE=Edge,chrome=1' (length=16)
  'ETag' => string 'W/"a73bb2edsaerde0c55329aa2f6f"' (length=36)
  'Cache-Control' => string 'must-revalidate, private, max-age=0' (length=35)
  'X-User-Id' => string '690632553' (length=9)
  'X-Request-Id' => string 'a5d69e2sd21f53cbd5c822727f15c66c0' (length=32)
  'X-Runtime' => string '0.143530' (length=8)
  'X-Rack-Cache' => string 'miss' (length=4)
  'X-Request-Id' => string '3b1as23718db6268b9f972' (length=20)
  'X-Content-Type-Options' => string 'nosniff' (length=7)
  'X-Varnish' => string '1388807397' (length=10)
  'Age' => string '0' (length=1)
  'Via' => string '1.1 varnish' (length=11)

string '200 OK' (length=6)

string '{"ticket":{"url":"https://sample.domain.com/api/tickets/44.json","id":44,"external_id":null'... (length=3192)

array (size=23)
  'url' => string 'https://sample.domain.com/api/tickets/44.json' (length=59)
  'content_type' => string 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' (length=31)
  'http_code' => int 200
  'header_size' => int 676
  'request_size' => int 89
  'filetime' => int -1
  'ssl_verify_result' => int 0
  'redirect_count' => int 0
  'total_time' => float 0.271805
  'namelookup_time' => float 0.000958
  'connect_time' => float 0.002369
  'pretransfer_time' => float 0.050838
  'size_upload' => float 0
  'size_download' => float 3192
  'speed_download' => float 11743
  'speed_upload' => float 0
  'download_content_length' => float -1
  'upload_content_length' => float 0
  'starttransfer_time' => float 0.271732
  'redirect_time' => float 0
  'certinfo' => 
    array (size=0)
  'primary_ip' => string 'xx.xxx.xxx.xx' (length=14)
  'redirect_url' => string '' (length=0)