
Subdivider app for my master's thesis "Refining Procedures on Mesh via Algebraic Fitting"

Primary LanguageC++

largely based on OpenMesh, 3.0

 ---------- Tibor STANKO  :  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 --------------------------  Refining Procedures on Mesh via Algebraic Fitting  ---------------------
 ---------------------------------------------------------- ( Master's Thesis ) ---------------------
 ------------------------------------------------------------  Bratislava, 2014  --------------------
 --------  access the thesis online (~6MB) on [ http://tiborstanko.sk/papers/ts-msc2014.pdf ]  ------

     0. BASIC INFO

    This file contains the instructions on how to compile and run the software attached to the above thesis.

    The software is based on OpenMesh 3.0, the open source C++ library.
    --- project website                   : http://www.openmesh.org/
    --- documentation for the 3.0 version : http://www.openmesh.org/media/Documentations/OpenMesh-3.0-Documentation

    The main part of the attached software is the application Subdivider, which is a part of OpenMesh.
    Subdivider was modified by implementing the Quadric Fitting Refinement algorithm.
    This includes some modifications to the original GUI in order to provide full functionality of the QFR.
    The details of this algorithm are to be found in the thesis itself.


    Some additional libraries need to be installed prior to compilation of OpenMesh:
    --- CMake     : http://www.cmake.org/
    --- GLUT      : http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/
    --- Qt4       : http://qt-project.org/
    --- Armadillo : http://arma.sourceforge.net/

    Please, see the instructions on the websites of these projects
    for the details of the installation on your operating system.

    Subdivider was succesfully compiled and tested under Ubuntu Linux with GCC 4.8.2
    (Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander) running on the PC with the Intel Core i7 3517 Ivy Bridge processor.


    Below is the basic folder structure of the project,
    pointing out important parts of the implementation.

    The implementation of the Quadric Fitting Refinement is included in the file QuadraticFittingT.hh.
		├── OpenMesh (root dir)
		│   ├── cmake
		│   ├── debian
		│   ├── Doc
		│   ├── LICENSE
		│   ├── qmake
		│   ├── src
		│   │   ├── OpenMesh
		│   │   │   ├── Apps
		│   │   │   │   ├── Subdivider
		│   │   │   │   │   ├── MeshViewerWidget.hh
		│   │   │   │   │   ├── qtsubdivider.cc
		│   │   │   │   │   ├── SubdividerGui
		│   │   │   │   │   ├── SubdivideWidget.cc
		│   │   │   │   │   └── SubdivideWidget.hh
		│   │   │   │   └── VDProgMesh
		│   │   │   ├── Core
		│   │   │   ├── Examples
		│   │   │   └── Tools
		│   │   │       ├── Subdivider
		│   │   │       │   └── Uniform
		│   │   │       │       ├── QuadraticFittingT.hh
		│   │   │       │       └── SubdividerT.hh
		│   │   └── Unittests
		│   └── templates


    These instructions are written for UNIX systems.
    In case your PC is running a different operating system (Windows, Mac OS),
    see the following page in the official OpenMesh 3.0 documentation:

        Compiling OpenMesh using CMake
            (with excerpts from the official documentation, link above)
    1) Import the root project directory ("OpenMesh") with its contents into your computer's hard drive.
    2) Create a new folder (e.g. "build") in the root "OpenMesh" directory. 
		   ├── OpenMesh (root dir)
		   │   ├── build (create new dir)

    3) Open the terminal and navigate into the newly created directory.
    4) Execute the following commands:
           cmake ..        ## Generates the appropriate Makefiles
           make            ## Builds the project
           make install    ## (Optional) Installs the libraries

       The cmake command can be executed with additional flags:
           -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=(Debug|Release)  ## default: Debug
           -DBUILD_APPS=OFF                    ## to disable build of applications (also Subdivider)
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>       ## to specify the install path

    5) Run Subdivider by executing


    The main functionality is provided by four buttons:
    --- Subdivide : subdivide the current mesh using the chosen subdivision scheme
    --- Load Mesh : load the mesh from a file (obj,off,ply,...)
    --- Save Mesh : save the mesh to a file
    --- Reset     : reset the current mesh to its initial state

    The choice of the subdivision scheme is done via radio buttons on the left.
    Four schemes are enabled in the attached version:
    --- QFR                  : nonlinear quadric fitting refinement from the thesis
    --- Loop               │
    --- Sqrt(3)            ├─: linear schemes
    --- Modified Butterfly │
    OpenMesh provides an implementation of some additional schemes for the refinement of triangular meshes.
    These can be enabled in the file SubdivideWidget.cc (see folder structure above).

    Additional controls are provided to control the limit surface produced by the QFR scheme:
    --- vertex and normal weights : four text input boxes
    --- vertex picking method     : two radio buttons (Projection or Footpoint)
    --- normalization of normals  : a checkbox

END of ReadMe File