Repository for RG350 games and apps

# RG350 App Repository

Repository for RG350 games and applications.
This repository is made to access directly from wifi console, and download apps
to SD cards from RogueStore app.

RogueStore detect opk screenshots with same name, and the info files located in repository.nfo.

# Versions

In last App Store update, all OPKs with the same name in repository.nfo will be treated as different versions, and can be individually selected in the Store. Version files will be arranged alphabetically.

gambatte_20201302.opk|Gambatte|v1.1|Gameboy amulator.
gambatteHD-123_v14.opk|Gambatte|v1.4|Gameboy amulator.

This files will show in App Store as 2 versions of Gambatte.


Don't use this symbols in names: