
NodeJS Module for Hikvision IPC HTTP API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


GPL-3.0 npm node

NodeJS Module for communication with Hikvision IP Cameras.

Status: Work in Progress


var     ipcamera	= require('node-hikvision-api');

// Options:
var options = {
	host	: '',
	port 	: '80',
	user 	: 'admin',
	pass 	: 'password123',
	log 	: false,

var hikvision 	= new ipcamera.hikvision(options);

// Switch to Night Profile

// PTZ Go to preset 10

// Monitor Camera Alarms
hikvision.on('alarm', function(code,action,index) {
	if (code === 'VideoMotion'      && action === 'Start')  console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Motion Detected')
	if (code === 'VideoMotion'      && action === 'Stop')   console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Motion Ended')
	if (code === 'VehicleDetection' && action === 'Start')  console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Motion Ended')
	if (code === 'VehicleDetection' && action === 'Stop')   console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Motion Ended')
	if (code === 'LineDetection'    && action === 'Start')  console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Line Cross Detected')
	if (code === 'LineDetection'    && action === 'Stop')   console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Line Cross Ended')
	if (code === 'AlarmLocal'       && action === 'Start')  console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Local Alarm Triggered: ' + index)
	if (code === 'AlarmLocal'       && action === 'Stop')   console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Local Alarm Ended: ' + index)
	if (code === 'VideoLoss'        && action === 'Start')  console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Lost!')
	if (code === 'VideoLoss'        && action === 'Stop')   console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Found!')
	if (code === 'VideoBlind'       && action === 'Start')  console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Blind!')
	if (code === 'VideoBlind'       && action === 'Stop')   console.log(getDateTime() + ' Channel ' + index + ': Video Unblind!')

// Get realtime license plate recognition
hikvision.on('alarm', (code, action, id) => {
	if (code === 'VehicleDetection' && action === 'Start') {
		// On motion alarm, try to get a possible vehicle plate
		options.id = id;
		// So, wait for event with the result plate
		hikvision.once('newPlate', (res) => {

function getDateTime() {
	var date = new Date();
	var hour = date.getHours();
	hour = (hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour;
	var min  = date.getMinutes();
	min = (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min;
	var sec  = date.getSeconds();
	sec = (sec < 10 ? "0" : "") + sec;
	var year = date.getFullYear();
	var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
	month = (month < 10 ? "0" : "") + month;
	var day  = date.getDate();
	day = (day < 10 ? "0" : "") + day;
	return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;


// Switch Camera to Day Profile

// Switch Camera to Night Profile

// Gets last plate leiture from camera (This method returns only the last plate issued by the camera and it is not realtime. To get plates in real time see in example above)

// Issue hikvision RAW PTZ Command (See API Manual in GitHub Wiki)

// Go To Preset

// PTZ Zoom, input level: positive = zoom in / negative = zoom out

// PTZ Move
// Directions = Up/Down/Left/Right/LeftUp/RightUp/LeftDown/RightDown
// Actions = start/stop
// Speed = 1-8

// Request current PTZ Status

// Callback for any Alarm (Motion Detection/Video Loss & Blank/Alarm Inputs)
hikvision.on('alarm', function(code,action,index){  });

// Callback for getPlates
hikvision.on('newPlate', function(data) {  });

// Callback for PTZ Status
hikvision.on('ptzStatus', function(data){  });

// Callback on connect
hikvision.on('connect', function(){  });

// Callback on error
hikvision.on('error', function(error){  });


  • host - hostname of your hikvision camera
  • port - port for your hikvision camera (80 by default)
  • user - username for camera
  • pass - password for camera
  • log - boolean to show detailed logs, defaults to false.

More Info:

  • Support & Discussion:


By: Ryan Hunt

Fork: bbruno5