Raspberry Pi Arduino Car

RaspCar Project

This is my github for my Bachelor Thesis RaspberryCar Project (short: RaspCar). As this is my first public github repository, I hope I mentioned all used libs well. If I used libraries and didn't declare it, please just contact me and I'll mention it in this README.


The Makefile for the RaspberryPi Server Part is not finished yet, so use it only if you know what you're doing!


For all my tests I used Raspbian Distro. Dependencies for this project are:

  • libv4l-dev
  • libjpeg8-dev
  • imagemagick
  • pySerial
  • web.py
  • mjpg_streamer

I also used a Wifi-AP, but the project would still work if just logged in to a Wifi Network.


I used a supported Wifi Dongle and a Logitech C170 Webcam, but this should work with every libv4l supported Webcam.

I also used an Arduino Uno equipped with a ladyada Motorshield. The Motors are from a cheap ebay Robot Platform and are not very strong (I think 9V DC Motors).

To convert the Voltages I used a CD4050 BC Chip.