
A Framework for Automatic Tuning of System Parameters

Primary LanguageC++

A Framework for Automatic Tuning of System Parameters

1. Introduction

The performance of most software systems and algorithms in medical image
processing depends upon parameter values. Traditionally, these values are
determined empirically using domain knowledge and a trial and error process.
Consequentially, they may not be optimal. We provide a general framework for
automatic tuning of system parameters which are optimal based on a user
specified criterion, with examples from medical image processing.

A UML diagram describing the framework design is given in
frameworkDesign.zargo. This document was created with the open source UML
modeling tool ArgoUML (http://argouml.tigris.org).

This work was supported by NLM/NIH contract HHSN276201000578P "Framework for
Automated Parameter Tuning of ITK Registration Pipelines".

2. Prerequisites

To build this toolkit from source, the following libraries must be installed:
- ITK (http://www.itk.org) version 4.2 or later,
- MPICH2 (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/), and
- CMake (http://www.cmake.org) 2.8 or later.

The software has been tested on both Windows and Linux platforms. The
following are the environments that were used to develop and test the
- Windows: Windows 7 64-bit, Visual Studio 2010, MPICH2 1.4.1p1
- Linux: CentOS 6.2 64-bit, GCC 4.4.6, MPICH2 1.2.1p1

3. Run the examples

In the "examples" directory, parameters tuning job files (in XML format) for
two example registration problems were provided to demonstrate the use of the
framework. Both problems register two 3D images, and use the overlap between
two corresponding segmentations to evalute the final alignment.
Example1 (see also source/sziExampleRegistrater1.h) is a similarity registration
problem with three tunable parameters, and Example2 (see also source/
sziExampleRegistrater2.h) is a multi-level deformable registration problem with
four tunable parameters.

The 4D liver data from the A2D2 project are needed to run the examples. The data
can be downloaded from:


After downloading the data, the DICOM images need to be converted to the MHD
format. The DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2 example program that comes with ITK can
be used for this purpose (the program was included in this distribution under
the directory "tools" for your convenience).

Some settings in the XML files can be modified to adapt the examples for the
user's need. Currently, changes of following important settings are supported
for Example1:
- change the "sysparams" attribute in the "RegistrationSystem" tag to provide an
  initial setting for the parameters to be tuned
- provide a rotation center (fparams) and initial alignment (params) for the
- change the interpolation method to NearestNeighbour or Linear
- change the settings for the Mattes Mutual Information similarity metric
- change the settings for the RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer
- use user testing images in the DataSet section
- change the settings for the ParticleSwarmOptimizer
- use other optimizers instead of ParticleSwarmOptimizer, for example,

For Example2, in addition to the above settings, another key modification that
users can make is:
- the total size of the control grid over the fixed image in
  BSplineDeformableTransform (the first three parameters in "fparams")

To start a parameters tuning job, type the following command in the "examples"

mpiexec -n <NumberOfProcesses> <bin>/run_mpijob <ExampleSystem>.spt.xml

This will start a number of processes on local computer to collaboratively
fulfill the parameters tunning job. If there are N pairs of training images in
the XML job file, then use of N+1 total processes is recommended in order to
achieve optimal computation performance. Refer to MPICH2 documentation for
running the examples in a cluster of MPI-connected workstations.

NOTE: When running the examples in a cluster of workstations, it is important
      that each computer has a local copy of the tuning program (i.e. run_mpijob
      ), the XML job files, and the testing images that are organized in exactly
      the same directory structure.

The output of each tuning process is saved into a set of log files prefixed
with the input XML file and suffixed with "...Worker-<N>.log". For example, the
master worker has the suffix of "...Worker-0.log".

4. Parameters tuning for user systems

To tune a user system using our framework, the user needs to wrap its system
using the System interface (see sziSystem.h), and writes the corresponding
DOM-based readers. See "sziRegistrationSystem.h" and
"sziRegistrationSystemDOMReader.h" for an example of user system and its
DOM-based reader. The user will also need to revise "sziSystemDOMReader.h" and
"sziDataDOMReader.cxx" to add reading support for the user system.