
Web based admin tool for Ecto models

Primary LanguageElixir


Build Status

EctoAdmin is a web based administration tool for Ecto models. It should work with any Plug based project.


Add the dependency to your mix.exs file:

def deps
  [{:ecto_admin, "~> 0.0.1", github: "Gazler/ecto_admin"}]

You should also add this to the applications started in mix.exs:

  def application do
    [mod: {EctoAdminExample, []},
     applications: [:logger, :postgrex, :ecto, :ecto_admin]]

Add the following to your config:

config :ecto_admin_example, EctoAdmin,
  repo:   EctoAdminExample.Repo,
  models: [users: EctoAdminExample.User, comments: EctoAdminExample.Comment]

Where :admin_test is the name of your OTP application, repo is the module for your Ecto repo and models is a keyword list of paths and their related model in the example config this would use EctoAdminExample.User for the /admin/users path and EctoAdminExample.Comment for the /admin/comments path.


To Use EctoAdmin inside of a Phoenix project, you will need to add the following to your router.ex file.

  get "/admin*args", EctoAdmin.Router, :dispatch

This should be added at the root level and not inside of a scope block.

The config previously mentioned should be added to your config directory. You can either create a new file and use import_config or just add it in config/config.exs

An example repository for using EctoAdmin with Phoenix is available at https://github.com/Gazler/ecto_admin_example_phoenix

A commit with just the EctoAdmin configuration is available at https://github.com/Gazler/ecto_admin_example_phoenix/commit/9b42fbe666038b63a9833fba71aee5e508048e00


Once you have added this you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:4000/admin and you will see the EctoAdmin dashboard at the top with a link to each of your configured resources.