
PVRHSD 2019-20: Advanced Topics in Computer Science - Concentration Xcode/Swift Project

Primary LanguageSwift

Concentration Xcode/Swift Project

PVRHSD 2019-20: Mrs. Ricca's Advanced Topics in Computer Science Class

Project Details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u-b4agSQqKBROU5dTKryHz6nwdqDWS8G/view
Project Walkthrough (Video 1 & 2): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPA-ayBrweUzGFmkT_W65z64MoGnKRZMq

Task In Progress:

  • Change game "theme" (color and icons) of the entire project when a button is clicked in the ThemeViewController.

Completed Tasks:

  • Get the Concentration game working as demonstrated in lectures 1 and 2. Type in all the code. Do not copy/paste from anywhere.
  • Add more cards to the game.
  • Add a “New Game” button to your UI which ends the current game in progress and begins a brand new game.
  • Currently the cards in the Model are not randomized (that’s why matching cards end up always in the same place in our UI). Shuffle the cards in Concentration’s init() method.
  • Add a game score label to your UI. Score the game by giving 2 points for every match and penalizing 1 point for every previously seen card that is involved in a mismatch.
  • All new UI you add should be nicely laid out and look good in portrait mode on an iPhone X.

Uncompleted Tasks:

  • Your architecture must make it possible to add a new theme in a single line of code.
  • Tracking the flip count almost certainly does not belong in your Controller in a proper MVC architecture. Fix that.