
simplified descriptive type testing library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

is.js v0.5.2 Build Status

simplified descriptive type testing library


Supporting Node, AMDs and the browsers ( IE 6+, Chrome 1+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 12.1+, Safari 5.1+ )



Install node-is as dependency using npm in the command line

> npm install node-js --save

Include the module in your projects javascript file

var is = require("node-is");


Download the code from Github: is.min.js

Include it in your project

<script src="path/to/is.min.js" type="text/Javascript"></script>

Test functions, returning true, when type is matching

  • is.Number(1) test for numbers
  • is.Integer(1) test for integers
  • is.Float(.001) test for floating point numbers
  • is.Negative(-1.5) test for negative values
  • is.Positive(1.5) test for positive values
  • is.NaN(NaN) test for NaN (isNaN link)
  • is.Finite(1) test for finite values (isFinite link)
  • is.Infinity(Infinity) test for Infinity and -Infinity
  • is.Boolean(false) test for boolans
  • is.True(true) test for true booleans
  • is.False(false) test for false booleans
  • is.String("is") test for strings
  • is.EmptyString("") test for empty strings
  • is.Undefined(undefined) test for undefined
  • is.Defined({}) (!is.Undefined)
  • is.Null(null) test for null
  • is.Function(function() {}) test for functions
  • is.Array([]) test for arrays
  • is.EmptyArray([]) test for empty arrays
  • is.RegExp(/^/g) test for regular expressions
  • is.Object({}) test for objects
  • is.RealObject({}) tests for real objects, null, arrays, regular expressions and errors will return false
  • is.Error(new Error()) test for errors
  • is.ReferenceError(new ReferenceError()) test for reference errors
  • is.TypeError(new TypeError()) test for type errors
  • is.SyntaxError(new SyntaxError()) test for syntax errors
  • is.URIError(new URIError()) test for uri errors
  • is.EvalError(new EvalError()) test for eval errors
  • is.RangeError(new RangeError()) test for range errors
  • is.RealError(new Error()) test for real Error-objects only, will not match RangeError, EvalError, URIError, SyntaxError, TypeError, ReferenceError

Multitest function is.type.of(obj1[, obj2[, obj3[, ...]]])

returns two testing functions:

  • equal() which can be used to test for various types that have to match all, e.g.: is.type.of(1,0).equal("Number","Integer","!Negative"); // returns true
  • either() to test for various types, where at least one has to match, e.g.: is.type.of(1,0,2).either("Float","Integer"); //returns true

equal() and either() can be used to test with custom functions too: is.type.of("hello", "world").equal("String", "!EmptyString", function(elm) { return elm[3]==="l"; }); //returns true

Use with mocha is.expect

You can now check types for your tests with mocha. Example:

var expect = require("node-is").expect;

describe("moche with node-is example", function() {
    it("is easy and awesome", function() {
            expect.type.of(1).to.be.equal("Integer", "Positive");
            expect.type.of(-1).to.be.either("Positive", "Negative");

Extend is.js using custom test functions is.extend(name, fn)


  • name {String} test name, the function will be registered to is.<name>
  • fn {Function} test function, should accept one argument and return a Boolean


// register
is.extend("HelloWorld", function(value) {
    return is.String(value) && value === "Hello, World!";

// use
is.HelloWorld("Hello, World!"); // returns true
is.HelloWorld("Hello, Earth!"); // returns false


  • 0.5.2 Bower release
  • 0.5.1 Bug fix on global object (browser), added is.EmptyArray, some small improvements
  • 0.5.0 Added is.extend
  • 0.4.1 Bug fix on error type testing, and some small fixes
  • 0.4.0 Rewrote library in ES6, compiled using grunt-traceur
  • 0.3.2 Performance optimization, added usage section to README, added detailed support information
  • 0.3.1 bug fix #1
  • 0.3.0 Added mocha support is.expect
  • 0.2.0 is.type.of can now test an unlimited amount of arguments is.type.of(..).equal() and is.type.of(..).either() can now test custom functions too
  • 0.1.1 Added travis test
  • 0.1.0 initial version
