
Don't have a good day... Have a great day.

Primary LanguagePython


Don't have a good day. Have a great day.

project status badges:

CI Workflow Coverage Documentation Status Package Health

version badges:

Project Version Python Versions Cookiecutter: cc-python Docker: pythonboltons/main

Installation 🗹

Using pipx to Install (preferred)

This package could be installed using pip like any other Python package (in fact, see the section below this one for instructions on how to do just that). Given that we only need this package's entry points, however, we recommend that pipx be used instead:

# install and setup pipx
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

# install greatday
pipx install greatday

Using pip to Install

To install greatday using pip, run the following commands in your terminal:

python3 -m pip install --user greatday  # install greatday

If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The output from running greatday --help is shown below:

usage: greatday [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-L [FILE[:LEVEL][@FORMAT]]] [-v]
                {add,list,tui} ...

Don't have a good day. Have a great day.

optional arguments:
                        Absolute or relative path to a YAML file that contains
                        this application's configuration.
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        This option can be used to enable a new logging
                        handler. FILE should be either a path to a logfile or
                        one of the following special file types: [1] 'stderr'
                        to log to standard error (enabled by default), [2]
                        'stdout' to log to standard out, [3] 'null' to disable
                        all console (e.g. stderr) handlers, or [4] '+[NAME]'
                        to choose a default logfile path (where NAME is an
                        optional basename for the logfile). LEVEL can be any
                        valid log level (i.e. one of ['CRITICAL', 'DEBUG',
                        'ERROR', 'INFO', 'TRACE', 'WARNING']) and FORMAT can
                        be any valid log format (i.e. one of ['color', 'json',
                        'nocolor']). NOTE: This option can be specified
                        multiple times and has a default argument of '+'.
  -v, --verbose         How verbose should the output be? This option can be
                        specified multiple times (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv, ...).
  --version             show program's version number and exit

    add                 Add a new todo to your inbox.
    list                Query the todo database.
    tui                 Render greatday's text-based user interface (TUI).
                        This is the default command.

Useful Links 🔗

  • API Reference: A developer's reference of the API exposed by this project.
  • cc-python: The cookiecutter that was used to generate this project. Changes made to this cookiecutter are periodically synced with this project using cruft.
  • CHANGELOG.md: We use this file to document all notable changes made to this project.
  • CONTRIBUTING.md: This document contains guidelines for developers interested in contributing to this project.
  • Create a New Issue: Create a new GitHub issue for this project.
  • Documentation: This project's full documentation.