NiFi Hadoop Library for MapR

About this Project

The motivation for creating this bundle is to have NiFi communicate with a MapR cluster. MapR uses different versions of the hadoop libraries and different configurations are needed.

How To Use

The main file that will need updating is the pom.xml in the nifi-mapr-nar directory. A property called mapr.version will need updating with the version of MapR that NiFi will be communicating with.

Note: NiFi verision can be changed if necessary in the pom.xml

Run a mvn clean install in the nifi-mapr-nar directory and once the build completes successfully the target NiFi bundle will be located in the target directory. The file will be called nifi-hadoop-libraries-nar-0.3.0.nar

Copy the nar file to the NiFi environment and replace it with the existing hadoop libraries under $NIFI_HOME/lib and restart NiFi.

Using the HDFS Processors

When using the HDFS related processors a configuration neccessary is supplying the core-site.xml. Instead of using the hdfs:// protocol, MapR has its own to communicate with the cluster, that is maprfs://

Get the core-site.xml from the MapR environment, make the file readable by the user running NiFi and modify the contents to include the fs.defaultFS property. The cldbhost and port will come from the MapR environment.


Once completed, the HDFS processors in NiFi will be able to communicate with a MapR cluster.