Machine learning model for predicting Human Oral Bioavailability

Primary LanguagePython

Predictions can also be made directly on our online server at http://www.icdrug.com/ICDrug/A

Conda environment

 $ conda HobPre create -f Hob_env.yml

Python 3.6

  • Mordred==1.2.0

  • scikit-learn==0.23.2

  • pandas==1.1.1

  • numpy==1.19.2

  • matplotlib==3.3.4


 $ conda activate HobPre

 $ python HOB_predict.py your_model_path your_smiles.txt cutoff


 $ python HOB_predict.py model smiles.txt 20
 Parameter meaning:
 model_path:The folder where the model to be used for prediction is located
 smiles.txt:input smiles file,one per each line
 cutoff:  50. Use F=50% as the cut-off value. If F>50%, the predicted oral availability is qualitatively high.             
          20. Use F=20% as the cut-off value. If F>20%, the predicted oral availability is qualitatively high.


Min Wei, Xudong Zhang, Xiaolin Pan, Bo Wang, Changge Ji, Yifei Qi, and John Z.H. Zhang.HobPre: accurate prediction of human oral bioavailability for small molecules  (submitted)

*The data used in this paper can be obtained from hob_data_set.xlsx

Model Parameters License

The HOB prediction models are made available for non-commercial use only, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. You can find details at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode