
[LREC-COLING 2024] Official code for paper "Few-shot Temporal Pruning Accelerates Diffusion Models for Text Generation".

Primary LanguagePython


This repository provides the implementation for paper "Few-shot Temporal Pruning Accelerates Diffusion Models for Text Generation" (LREC-COLING 2024).

Straightforward Bayesian optimization to accelerate Multinomial Diffusion, Absorbing Diffusion, and DiffuSeq by up to 400x.

Getting Started

Discrete Diffusion Models

Our approach builds on the work from reparam-discrete-diffusion, with minor modifications to suit our specific needs.



Ensure you have the required dependencies installed. Follow these steps to set up your environment:

cd reparam-discrete-diffusion

pip install -r requirements.txt

# install our package of discrete diffusion models
pip install -e discrete_diffusion

# install our fork of fairseq
cd fairseq
python3 setup.py build develop
cd ..
Model Checkpoints

Download the trained model checkpoints from the original repository and place them in the /models directory.

Data Processing

For data processing, follow the procedures outlined in the original repository:

For few-shot settings, randomly sample a subset from the validation set before binarizing your data.

Then download their trained model checkpoints and place them to /models folder.

Running the Model

Once you have prepared your models and datasets, you can execute the following command to perform few-shot temporal pruning:

# This command runs few-shot temporal pruning on the IWSLT task for multinomial diffusion 
# with <timesteps> sampling steps on the specified <cuda-device>.
python few_shot_discrete.py --timesteps <timesteps> --cuda_device <cuda-device> --task iwslt --run_script mt --model_path path/to/your/iwslt_multinomial_checkpoints_default_checkpoint.avg5.pt


The script will generate a log file in the same directory, detailing the current steps and corresponding BLEU scores, which serve as the optimization target.


Please cite our paper if you find this work useful:

    title = "Few-shot Temporal Pruning Accelerates Diffusion Models for Text Generation",
    author = "Li, Bocheng and Gao, Zhujin and Zhu, Yongxin and Yin, Kun and Cao, Haoyu and Jiang, Deqiang and Xu, Linli",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
    year = "2024",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2024.lrec-main.637",
    pages = "7259--7269",


This project builds upon the following repositories:

We are grateful to the contributors of these repositories for their significant work and dedication.