
Presale contract using truffle and web page

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SONM Presale Contracts

These smart contracts are designed to handle initial distribution of SONM Presale Tokens (SPT). Please check that you are understande major features before investing or interacting with these contracts:

  • tokens are provided at fixed price 606 SPT per 1 ETH;
  • maximum amount of tokens distributed during presale is limited to 6.060.000 SPT;
  • dev team is able to stop presale at any time;
  • you can not transfer SPT tokens during presale;
  • you will be able to exchange SPT tokens for real SONM tokens at a later phase of SONM development;
  • no refund or moneyback is available during presale;
  • dev team is able to withdraw Ether at any time during or after presale
    • those funds are moved to escrow's address

Refer to Administrator's Guide for more details on how to interact with the contracts.

Compile, Test, Deploy

Requires Node.js version >= 6.5.1 and truffle@^3.1.1.


$ truffle install
$ truffle test
$ truffle migrate --network testnet --reset
Using network 'testnet'.

Running migration: 1_deploy_contracts.js
  Deploying TokenManager...
  TokenManager: 0x2b171c2805fcc52c1cd4592ed73079cda464dc60
  Deploying PresaleToken...
  PresaleToken: 0x517fe605f789956bb6bcebd23431c9fc3b866b3e


$ cd web-ui
$ npm install
$ npm start

You can also deploy UI to gh-pages with npm run deploy.