
Building an API using a Relational Database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Building an API using a Relational Database Mini


  • Relational Databases
  • SQLite
  • Knex
  • Create/Read/Update/Delete operations


You'll write a server that lets you create and read Zoos stored in a Relational Database. Much of the knowledge from Node and Express will carry over to this mini project, where you'll interface with a database in your route handlers.

Running the Project

  • Fork and Clone this project.
  • cd into your project folder.
  • Run npm install or yarn to download the dependencies.
  • Add knex and sqlite3 npm modules.
  • Configure knex to connect to /data/lambda.sqlite3 using the sqlite3 module.
  • Write a set of endpionts inside index.js to satisfy the specifications listed below.
  • To start the API server, run yarn start or npm start.
  • Use Postman to test your API.



The included database has a zoos table with the following schema:

  • id: integer, primary key, autoincrements.
  • name: text, required, unique.

POST /api/zoos

When the client makes a POST request to this endpoint, a new zoo should be created in the zoos table.

Ensure the client passes a name property in the request body. If there's an error, respond with an appropriate status code, and send a JSON response of the form { error: "Some useful error message" }.

Return the id of the inserted zoo and a 201 status code.

GET /api/zoos

When the client makes a GET request to this endpoint, return a list of all the zoos in the database. Remember to handle any errors and return the correct status code.

GET /api/zoos/:id

When the client makes a GET request to /api/zoos/:id, find the zoo associated with the given id. Remember to handle errors and send the correct status code.

DELETE /api/zoos/:id

When the client makes a DELETE request to this endpoint, the zoo that has the provided id should be removed from the database.

PUT /api/zoos/:id

When the client makes a PUT request to this endpoint passing an object with the changes, the zoo with the provided id should be updated with the new information.

Stretch Problem

Add a new bears table to the database and add endpoints to perform CRUD operations on it. Each bear should have an id and name property similar to the zoos table.