python 3.6
pytorch >= 1.3.0
hfo 0.1.5
hdf5 1.10.1
h5py 2.7.1
From the project folder, run the file to launch. Command looks like ln HFO to project 'ln -s /Users/bcahlit/environment/HFO ./ ' 'bash ./pytorch_codebase/ [random seed] [port] [lognum] [options]'
'bash ./pytorch_codebase/ 92 5000 9 1'
Models are saved to pytorch_models folder. To playback and existing model set the PLAYBACK flag to True and set the appropriate model to load in the file.
Logs are written to the logging folder to a file called logs[lognum].txt. It is actually a .h5 file which is read by the MADDPG_Metrics.ipynb.
The MADDPG_Metrics.ipynb notebook takes a path to a log file, and plots the rewards over time, losses, Q value for different actions, option selection, etc.