
Ansible Playbooks to complement afterburner.voceplatforms.com...

Primary LanguageRuby


See how Voce Platforms makes WordPress fly for large, high-traffic, high-profile sites. From server configuration to must-have WordPress plugins to front end optimizations, you'll learn how to make WordPress scale, reduce server resources, and load quickly.

afterburner-ansible is a set of Ansible playbooks and tasks that complement the resources, guides and recommendations at afterburner.voceplatforms.com.

What's included?

  • System level tuning and optimizations
  • Basic firewall via iptables and fail2ban with blocking of IP addresses that repeatedly send POST requests to various WordPress pages
  • NGINX, tuned for WordPress with output level caching
  • PHP-FPM, with ZendOptimizerPlus opcode caching
  • memcached, for WordPress object level caching
  • Percona MySQL
  • Basic WordPress application setup (regular install or multi-site)
  • Various utilities for monitoring the stack (htop, mytop, strace)

Getting Started


  1. A server (either bare metal or virtual) with at least 1GB of RAM.
  2. Ubuntu 12.04
  3. SSH access to your server as a user with 'sudo' ability

Setting up your server

First, get Ansible installed.

Once you have Ansible installed...

  1. Clone this repository and cd afterburner-ansible
  2. Run ./install. (this copies .sample files for editing)
  3. Edit group_vars/ files and change any variables needed to match your application/requirements.
  4. Edit hosts and supply the domain names of your server(s).
  5. Edit ansible.cfg and change any variables needed to run Ansible tasks against your server(s).
  6. Execute ansible all -m ping to ensure Ansible can connect to your hosts
  7. Run ansible-playbook site.yml

Visit your application's domain name to view your WordPress install. The wp-admin login details:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: nsgreoheare

It's strongly recommended you change the default wp-admin login credentials.

To do

  • Allow configuring and setting up multiple applications and domains
  • Add backup support (Tarnsap? Duplicity to S3?)
  • Use ansible facts for wp-config.php database and memcached addresses


Pull requests and contributions more than welcome...


GPLv3, just like Ansible. Any other components and templates should be considered covered by their respective licenses.