
A collection of starter projects for web apps and websites.


A monorepo collection of mutually compatable starter projects for web apps and websites.

Organization and Expectations

The folders are organized like this [domain]/[technology_detail1_deatil2]. We prefer duplication for variations witb descriptive names in the secondary level folder, for example api/goland_postgres_basic.

Runnnig the scripts/dev.sh runs the project providing system dependencies have been installed. System dependencies should be clearly described as the first item after the brief project description. scripts/build.sh and scripts/deploy.sh scripts are available where appropriate and possible. dev scripts should handle live reloading and facilitate rapid iteration where possible, they can therefore be blocking. run scripts can serve as a more primitive non live reloading version of the dev script where appropriate. scripts/test.sh tests a project where appropriate, which is most of the time when resources are available.

TODO: We endevour to supply docker-compose.yaml files for quick starting a collection of projects that work together. TODO: We endevour to supply Kubernetes deployments as examples (details to be clarified).

List of projects


PostgreSQL starter kit.


Template for serving and api using Golang backed by a PostgreSQL database.


Templste for creating a server side rendered web app using SvelteKit.