
Primary LanguageC#ISC LicenseISC

bcat's TShock plugins

These are some small TShock plugins I use on Terraria servers I run for friends and family. I figured some of them might be more generally useful, so I've uploaded them for folks to play around with.


Should be feature complete and reasonably well tested.

  • CheeseTravel: Plugin that allows cheesing the Traveling Merchant's RNG.
  • ShowUpgrades: Plugin that shows the status of permanent player and world upgrades.
  • TPBack: Plugin that adds a /back command to teleport to the player's previous position.
  • TPPylon: Plugin that adds a /pylon command to teleport the player to the specified pylon.


Likely to lack significant features and/or testing.

  • ForceWorldEvent: Plugin that allows toggling continuous world events on and off. (Currently only supports rain.)
  • PartyOnJoin: Plugin that automatically adds players to the correct party on join. (Currently hardcoded to assign all players to the green party.)


To use these plugins, simply place the relevant plugin .dll files into the ServerPlugins subdirectory of your TShock installation. Unless otherwise noted, no other configuration is needed, though some plugins require permissions to be created for players to use their commands.

You can download precompiled plugin DLLs from the latest release, and you can see the changelog for full version history. (Note that since this repository hosts multiple plugins with distinct individual version numbers, the releases themselves are simply datestamped.)


I've tested these plugins with TShock 5.1.3 (Terraria and they all work to the best of my knowledge; however, they exist for my personal use first and foremost, and I provide no guarantee of support.


These plugins are licensed under the ISC license. Please feel free to report issues, fork, and send pull requests!

This repository contains a solution file you can load directly in Visual Studio 2022 or later. TShock library dependencies are not included; after cloning the repo, you'll need to populate a lib directory with OTAPI.dll, TerrariaServer.dll, and TShockAPI.dll from the latest TShock release.