
contains codeforces solutions from bcc cp staff

Primary LanguageTeX

Codeforces Editorial

Repository for all codeforces editorial made by BCC FILKOM CP Staff

📊 Rating List

  1. 800 Rated Editorial
  2. 900 Rated Editorial
  3. 1000 Rated Editorial
  4. 1100 Rated Editorial
  5. 1200 Rated Editorial
  6. 1300 Rated Editorial

📝 Convention

  1. The editorial must be made with latex. You can use latex online editor such as Overleaf and others
  2. Use the provided template that you can found in template file. For more clarity, you can look up in example file
  3. Format all file's name including the pdf, latex and source code with format name ProblemCode-Nickname. Example : If the problem's URL look like this https://codeforces.com/contest/266/problem/A, then the file name would be 266A-Devan
  4. Save 3 files according to the rating's folder and save it according to extension.
    • pdf file should be stored in pdf folder
    • latex file should be stored in latex folder
    • source code file should be stored in code folder
  5. Commit message and pull request should be (your nickname) add : (ProblemCode) to (Rating) Folder. For example : (Devan) add : 1339A to 800 Folder

🙌 Contribution

NOTE : Only BCC FILKOM CP Staff can make contribution to this repository

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Push changes to your forked repository
  3. Make a pull request to this repository
  4. Owner will verify your PR first