
Tutorials in R, Rmd, and the MIMIC-III dataset for the University of Michigan SOCR and MDP programs.

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Tutorials in R, Rmd, and the MIMIC-III dataset for the University of Michigan SOCR and MDP programs. For more tutorials, please visit the excellent MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology GitHub repository.


The tutorials contained in this repository are designed for students in the Multidisciplinary Design Program (MDP) from the University of Michigan College of Engineering, and studying under the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR).

The tutorials are separated into parts, usually intended to showcase one aspect of the R programming language or the MIMIC-III dataset.

Part 1 - Data Extraction with SIRS

The purpose of this portion is to showcase a possible method of extracting data from the MIMIC-III database. It extracts parameters relating to the Systemic Inflamatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) as it relates to sepsis. The end result of this tutorial is a CSV containing sample data for several thousand patients. This data will be provided to MDP students after they have completed the data use agreement required by MIT-LCP.

Part 2 - Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization with SIRS

Part 2 is a continuation of the first section, where the sample data is investigated. More information to follow as the tutorial is updated.