Comparison of Enterprise SAST/DAST Products

This document is a comparison of the features and capabilities of various enterprise SAST and DAST products. It is intended to be a living document, and contributions are welcome. Contibution is welcome so long as ratings can be qualified with a reference to a publically available sources.

Each product was rated on the below scale using publicly available information by myself. The ratings are subjective but generally qualified.

I am not associated with any of the products listed in this document, this is simply a collection of information that is useful to me, and may be useful to others, in the analysis and selection of a SAST/DAST product.


This document is a vanilla excel spreadsheet that does not contain any macros or scripts. It is intended to be easily readable and editable by anyone with a basic understanding of excel.

Products Rated

- CheckMarx One Platform
- Veracode
- Rapid7 AppSpider (InsightAppSec Edition)
- Wiz.IO
- Fortify Static Code Analyzer
- Acunetix
- Invicti/NetSparker
- CloudDefense.AI
- Rapid7 Insight
- Fortify WebInspect
- SonarQube

Rating Categories

- Multi-Modal System Compatibility
    - IOT Device / Firmware Analysis
    - Web Application Analysis
    - Mobile Application Analysis
    - POS System Analysis
    - Integration with Diverse Architectures
- Advanced Threat Detection
    - High Volume Data Handling
    - Cloud and On-Premise Scalability
    - Real-Time Analysis for High Traffic Systems
    - 0-Day Vulnerability Detection
    - Advanced Logic Flaw Detection
- Integration & Automation
    - CI/CD Pipeline Integration
    - Automated Security Policy Enforcement
    - Third-Party Tool Integration
    - API Extensibility
    - Automated Alerting and Response Mechanisms
- Compliance & Regulatory Adherence
    - Compliance Reporting
    - Regulatory Framework Alignment
    - Data Privacy Analysis
    - Audit Trail & Documentation
    - Custom Compliance Rule Sets 
- Secure Development Lifecycle Integration
    - Secure Coding Guidelines Adherence
    - Risk Assessment and Prioritization
    - Developer Security Training Integration
    - Policy Compliance Validation
    - Feedback Loop Efficiency
- Dynamic Analysis Proficiency
    - Runtime Behavior Analysis
    - Simulated Attack Patterns
    - Third-Party Component Analysis
    - Environment Interaction Analysis
    - Custom Attack Vector Configuration
- Application Security Testing Automation
    - Continuous Scanning Integration
    - Automated Exploit Detection
    - Authentication and Session Management Testing
    - Anomaly Detection and Reporting
    - Feedback Mechanisms for False Positives/Negatives

Rating Scale

  • 10: Industry Leading: State-of-the-art features/capabilities; sets industry standards for functionality, integration, and ease of use; virtually no limits.
  • 9: Excellent: Advanced and comprehensive features with seamless integration; very user-friendly and efficient with minimal limitations.
  • 8: Very Good: Strong functionality with comprehensive features; integrates well with most systems; only a few minor limitations.
  • 7: Good: Good range of features and relatively easy integration with most systems; minor limitations in advanced capabilities.
  • 6: Moderately Above Average: Competent functionality; integration with some systems is possible with effort; some advanced features are present.
  • 5: Average: Adequate functionality and integration; meets essential requirements but lacks advanced features.
  • 4: Below Average: Some useful features, but still lacks robustness and integration capabilities; moderate manual intervention needed.
  • 3: Basic: Basic functionality with noticeable deficiencies and limited integration; requires substantial manual effort.
  • 2: Very Basic: Minimal functionality; suitable only for the simplest tasks with significant limitations.
  • 1: Extremely Limited: The feature exists but is rudimentary and not practical for most use cases.