PolyFlix is a web app for Cal Poly students to find movies and see what their friends are watching. With PolyFlix, users can share their movie experiences with their friends. It includes the following features:
- Access to information of thousands of movies, including descriptions and trailers.
- Search functionality for users to find exactly what movie they want.
- User-centered profile system, allowing users to view the profiles of other PolyFlix users
- Capability for users to add movies to their favorites and other users to their friends list, making PolyFlix a social experience.
https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPJ_5azg=/?share_link_id=141138062493 Last updated 11/30/2022
- In the terminal, navigate to Polyflix/backend, then type in 'npm install'.
- In the terminal, navigate to Polyflix/frontend, then type in 'npm install'.
Open two terminal windows.
- In the first window, navigate to Polyflix/backend and type in 'npm run dev'. The message "REST API is listening" indicates that the backend is functioning.
- In the second window, navigate to Polyflix/frontend and type in 'npm start'. The browser window will open automatically.
On VS Code, download the Prettier extension Then format the document with prettier (Cmd+Shift+P) After, go to settings (Cmd+,) and search "Editor:Format on Save" and turn it on
Generated on: 12/1/2022 at 5:22 pm