
Fork of sombra2eternity's inc.graph.php (thanks for it, works just great!) to enhance the functionality a bit for my own needs.

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$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;


Simple Bar Graph

Using gradients

To work with a gradient, use the keys graph.gradient.from and graph.gradient.to with hex values.

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;


Gradient Bar Graph

Variable bar and column sizes

The key cell.width controls the columns width while cell.marginx marks the distance between the bar and the column limits.

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;

Thin Bar Graph

No indicator and flat bars

If the key bar.indicator is not supplied the graph will not show any indicator. The key cell.marginy controls the column top and bottom margins.

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;

No indicator Bar Graph

Header and graph background

You can change the graph background through graph.background. The header background will default to this value. Alternatively you can pass header.even.background and header.odd.background to create something like the following:

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;

Header and graph background Bar Graph

Legend line color, legend width and indicator count

Change the indicator cuts count setting the key graph.legend.count, in the next example you can see 4 cuts. The key graph.legend.width controls the legend width as noted in the example. Finally, the color of the horizontal markers matching the rule is set by the graph.legend.line.color key.

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;

Legend line color, legend width and indicator count Bar Graph

Graph + table

If you want a table to follow graph, you only need to feed the key table

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;

Graph + table Bar Graph


The table background now matchs graph.background if no table.background is set. Keys table.even.background and table.odd.background now already exists.

$svg = graph_bars(array(
echo $svg;

Graph + table Update Bar Graph

Line graph + table

In case you want to print a line graph, most of the keys un the past examples apply here. Now you need to pass via graph key more than 1 array of items in order to paint diferente lines. The table key just need to be set and will be feed with the same graph values. For the different colours of the lines you need to fill graph.colors, one value per line with a fixed string meaning solid colour or a pair of two being a gradient.

$svg = graph_lines(array(
echo $svg;

Line graph + table Graph