
Small UI helpers for Vaadin that allow faster and safer UI creation.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vaadin UI Helpers

A set of small UI helpers and components for Vaadin that allow faster and safer UI creation and better-defined data flows.


The helpers streamline the data flow and component creation, and encapsulate common code.

VaadinUiHelper: standard component creation & configuration, navigation

Allows for

  • easy navigation to app views
  • creation of horizontal and vertical layouts (create[Vertical|Horizontal]Without) with pre-configured padding and spacing settings, or expanded children
  • replacing the children of a component (replace)
  • exposes an arbitrary file for download in the browser (startFileDownload) by opening a new tab

Background operations in tasks

These allow to do operations in a separate task and prevent blocking the UI thread. Expandable base class: BackgroundOperationManager.

BackgroundLoadingHelper: downloading data

Load data from a backend system and hide the UI while doing so using a simple skeleton approach (for areas with the CSS class bg-loading-content). On error, a notification will be shown to the user, if no custom error handling was provided.

Example usage including the optional data checking:

	// load the data
	() -> loadData(entityId),
	// update the UI, if verified
	// verify data alright
	dataContainer -> {
		if (null != dataContainer) {
			// check if editable
			if (checkEntityCanBeEdited(dataContainer)) {
				// all good, continue
				return true;
			} else {
				// if not editable, show a notification and change view
				NotificationHelper.showNotification("Entity is not editable.", false);
		} else {
			// notify user
			NotificationHelper.showNotification("Entity not found!", false);

		// not good, stop process
		return false;

BackgroundUpdateHelper: sending data

Similar to the background loading helper; without UI skeleton, but allows for blocking the UI using a modal with configurable text.

BackgroundUpdateHelper.startBackgroundUpdate("my input", input -> {
      // call service instead
      try {
      } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

      return "returned: " + input;
  }, responseData -> {
      log.info("Response data of background operation: {}.", responseData);


Due to the asynchronous nature of background loading, the unit tests of views using it have to be adapted (a tiny bit). The VaadinTestHelper offers two functions for that:

  • prepareBackgroundLoading: call in the @Before method to mock the test being in an actual web request
  • waitForBackgroundLoad: after calling the respective method to populate the UI/load the data, use it to wait for the completion of the load; will throw an exception after 5s

(!) If the test fails due to an InvalidStateException caused by waiting too long, chances are high it’s not because of the functionality of the BLH, but because

  • you forgot to prepare the test for background operations (or put it in the wrong place)
  • there was a different exception which prevented the task from completing (scroll up in the logs to see it)

UiBinder: bind data to UI fields and refresh after loading

The UiBinder allows to create and fill UI components on the fly, based on the loaded/given data. The configuration of the field bindings must be done before loading any data (e.g. in the constructor or a method called from there)! For a better separation of concerns, it’s possible to create a nested binder based on some sub-data. Works great together with the BackgroundLoadingHelper.

Some of the possibilities are:

  • set, setText: set the text/value
  • setItems: set the items of a Grid, Select, …
  • fillWith: replace the content of a wrapper component (or the whole bound component)
  • addClickListener: set a button click listener (overwriting previous listeners, so refresh-safe)
  • setRunnable: run arbitrary code (once per binder; e.g. for Breadcrumbs)

The designed restrictions are:

  • there can only be one binding per component, others will throw an exceptions
  • the arbitrary code (setRunnable) can only be added once

Some simple (yet fully-fletched) usage would be:

Click to expand!

private final UiBinder<DashboardData, Void> uiBinder;

public DashboardTestView() {
    this.uiBinder = createUi();

* Create the UI.
private final UiBinder<DashboardData, Void> createUi() {
    final var jsonLabel = new Pre();
    final var a1 = new Label();
    final var a2 = new TextField();
    final var list = new VerticalLayout();
    final var list2 = new VerticalLayout();
    final var nested1 = new H1();
    final var nested2 = new Label();
    final var nested3 = new Button();

    final var nested = VaadinUiHelper.createVerticalWithoutPadding(new H2("Nested"), nested1, nested2, nested3);
    final var nestedComponent = new Div();

    final var nestedBinderArea = VaadinUiHelper.createVerticalWithoutPadding();

    final var uiBinder = UiBinder.with(this, DashboardData.class,
            // add components
            jsonLabel, new Button("reload", clickEvent -> this.afterNavigation(null)),
            // actual components
            VaadinUiHelper.createHorizontalWithoutPadding(a1, a2), VaadinUiHelper.createHorizontalWithoutPadding(new H2("L1"), list, new H2("L2"), list2),
            VaadinUiHelper.createHorizontalWithoutPadding(nested, nestedComponent, nestedBinderArea));

    uiBinder.setText(jsonLabel, entity -> {
        try {
            return new ObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(entity);
        } catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
            return "could not parse";
    uiBinder.setText(a1, DashboardData::getUsers);
    uiBinder.set(a2, DashboardData::getGroups);

    // from lists
    uiBinder.fillWith(list, entity -> entity.lists.stream().map(Label::new).collect(Collectors.toList()));
    uiBinder.fillWith(list2, DashboardData::getLists, listItems -> listItems.stream().map(Label::new).collect(Collectors.toList()));

    // nested
    uiBinder.setText(nested1, entity -> entity.getNested().n1);
    uiBinder.setText(nested2, entity -> entity.getNested().n2);
    uiBinder.setText(nested3, entity -> entity.getNested().n3);

    // nested component
    uiBinder.fillWith(nestedComponent, DashboardData::getNested, nestedData -> {
        final var toggleButton = new ToggleButton(nestedData.n3);
        return List.of(new H3("Created by binder"), new Label("Created in binder " + nestedData.n1), toggleButton);

    // create nested binder
    uiBinder.createNested(nestedBinderArea, NestedData.class, DashboardData::getNested).fillWith(nestedEntity -> {
        final var label = new Label(nestedEntity.getN3());
        return List.of(new H2("From Nested Binder"), label);

    return uiBinder;

public void afterNavigation(final AfterNavigationEvent afterNavigationEvent) {
            // load the data
            () -> {
                final NestedData nested = new NestedData("n1", "n2", "n3");
                // return container
                return new DashboardData("users", "gr2", List.of("l1", "l2", "l3"), nested);
            // update the UI

/** The data container. **/
private class DashboardData {
    /** Users count. **/
    private final String users;
    /** Groups count. **/
    private final String groups;

    private final List<String> lists;
    private final NestedData nested;

private class NestedData {
    private final String n1;
    private final String n2;
    private final String n3;

UiFlowBinder: influence a component based on the state of others

Enable a component based on the values of other components, either dependencies (must be valid) or adversaries (must not have a value).

EventHandlerHelper: event handling with more flexible type casting than the default

Allows for adding listeners and firing complex events to them, e.g. for events with generics. Provides handlers for ComponentEvents and ValueChangedEvents. Usage:

private final ValueChangedEventHandler<ComplexValueComponent, ComplexValueChangedEvent, ValueChangeListener<ComplexValueChangedEvent>> eventHandler = new ValueChangedEventHandler<>();
private final ComponentEventHandler<ComplexComponent, ComplexComponentEvent, ComponentEventListener<ComplexComponentEvent>> eventHandler = new ComponentEventHandler<>();

NotificationHelper: wrapper for notifications

Allows for default notifications (success, error, plain), but also for warnings and exception messages that will print the whole stack trace when used in combination with showException and configured to do so (setConfig).


There is a bunch of components that can easily be added to existing views.

Breadcrumbs: a whole generic breadcrumb implementation

This breadcrumbs implementation allows for automatic or manual creation of breadcrumbs based on annotations. It is designed for a separation of the application in actual views (having the BreadcrumbStep annotations) and the general layout (having the actual Breadcrumbs component including the BreadcrumbEnabledComponent interface).
A response design is implemented so that the middle breadcrumbs steps will be hidden as the screen width gets smaller.


  • breadcrumbs added somewhere to the layout
  • the view (and potential parent views) has the BreadcrumbStep annotation (specifying the name/text, the parent view, the parameters required for navigating to the view, and if to create it automatically)
  • starting the population, either automatically in the layout after navigating to a view or manually after loading the data

Badge: a simple badge for displaying tags, versions, etc

A small, stylable badge coming with different sizes. Create using new Badge("1.6").small().bright().

ToggleButton: a checkbox implementation styled as a slider

The checkbox is styled like a slider based on this implementation.