
A Leap Motion Loop Generator made with Pure Data

MIT LicenseMIT


ChordRunner is a simple real-time loop generator with a separate melody layer and drum layer. The hand motion is captured via a Leap Motion and transformed into musical parameters that define the loop content.

Project was realized in an Ubuntu operating system with the linux version of the leapmotion external. I am aware of a windows version as well. I did not test the code on windows but it does not contain any linux exclusive content. In theory it should work on windows as well.

For the linux version you need Pure Data. You can install it using apt-get or compiling it from the source code following the instructions here. Afterwards you need to compile the leapmotion external. For this you need the LeapSDK from the Leap Motion website. You also need to install flext. For all of these steps you can follow this tutorial. After making sure that Pure Data, LeapSDK and leapmotion external working you can open the ChordRunner.pd patch on Pure Data. Note: If you are using the vanilla distribution of Pd you will need to install the cup external through the Find Externals menu inside Pure Data.

To see ChordRunner in action you can see this short demo video.