
Coarray ICAR submission to the PGAS Applications Workshop 2017

Primary LanguageTeX

Coarray ICAR submission to PAW17



Build instructions

On macOS

  1. Install and launch TeXShop
  2. Open main.tex and click Typeset
  3. Select BibTeX and click Typeset
  4. At a command line, execute makeglossaries main
  5. In TeXShop, select LaTeX and click Typeset

On Linux

Try something of the form

pdflatex main && bibtex main && makeglossaries main && pdflatex main

Known Issues

  • Apple Preview will not display the animation.
  • LaTeX must compile main.tex twice for Acrobat Reader to display the Figure 1 animation.

See figures/icar/README.md for more details on the animation.