
Add an active class to book links in the documentation navigation

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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User story

As a data catalogue user who needs help, I want to know where the help page I'm looking at is in relation to other pages so that I can easily find related pages in the same section of the documentation.

Describe the idea

Add an active class to a link if I'm on the page the link references.

For example:

I'm on page

The current html for the link looks like this

<a href="/documentation/column-name" hreflang="en">Column name</a>

By adding a class, we can style the active link so it's obvious where in the book navigation the user is

so html would look like this

<a href="/documentation/column-name" class="active" hreflang="en">Column name</a>



Passed that the class is added on dv14.

The style for active elements in the subway navigation has been added to the base theme with this commit