
plan Training modules

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Meeting slated for April 29.

Training Principles:

-addressing the "who", "how", and "when"
-Business matters are bigger than the tech at this point; e.g. review interval/"needs review" flag
(the When and Why users need to do stuff is harder than the How, if tech is built right)
-plain language grade 8 or lower


General users (anybody coming in with or without an IDIR account to use the Data Catalogue for asset discovery purposes) shouldn't need training - the UI should be intuitive enough for them to proceed without training.

Editors are key users of the Finance Data Catalogue. Step by step guide for each field.

Managers provide Organizational content oversight; recommend they take Editor training as well as understand what sets their role apart from an Editor


For Editors:

  • How do I write a good Summary?
  • How do I characterize Location of the data asset I am cataloguing? Is this seen by all users?
  • What constitutes an historical change? How do I determine what historical changes apply?
  • How do I document data quality issues?
  • What is the best way to determine the Information Management schedule values that apply to my data assets? Complexity of IM (reference material). How do I confirm or get more information if I am unsure about these values?
  • Why is Office of Primary Responsibility important? How does that tie into Visibility?
  • What is the Review interval and why is it important? Currency of metadata, notifications. How to indicate a review has occurred and clear the "Needs review" badge.
  • How does Assets used work? Lineage discussion.
  • Related documents as resources
  • How do I determine if a data asset should be flagged as Critical information?
  • Why is Personal information and Security classification important to know for a data asset? How do I confirm or get more information if I am unsure about these values?
  • Build tab
  • Revisions tab

For Managers:

  • How do Managers play an important role in the Finance Data Catalogue?
  • Under what circumstances should Managers unpublish something and how do I do that?


-Training should support remote working arrangements.
-Training package that we iterate on because we do it first with one group, then another, then another, then another so there are opportunities for inspection and adaptation.

Session1 : Why are we doing this? Why is Data Management important and what is the Data Catalogue? (Webinar)
Session 2: Using the Data Catalogue (Task-based over time (1-2 weeks))
Session 3: What Challenges Did you Encounter in the process(es)?
Follow-up: after a certain period of time, how are things going? Call or email me.

Next Steps:

  • create outlines for the above (who do we need to talk to for the content?)
  • determine the artifacts (tutorial videos?)

for future reference; closing ticket