- 6
Create a command line utility (probably Python) to calculate the SAIDs in an OCA Bundle
#146 opened by swcurran - 1
Add project lifecycle badge
#4 opened by repo-mountie - 0
Fix links in rendered site
#124 opened by swcurran - 1
- 1
Add OCA Bundle to the published site to enable the paths to work from the JSON files to the bundle
#120 opened by swcurran - 1
Update documents in the Aries OCA Bundle repo to make sense on the published site
#119 opened by swcurran - 9
Export Schema ID in ocaundleslist.json
#113 opened by amanji - 8
Add a GHA to generate the two root folder JSON files and push to the gh-pages branch
#90 opened by swcurran - 1
- 11
how do we know a bundle has been updated?
#82 opened by cvarjao - 3
Remove the OCA Explorer application
#107 opened by amanji - 1
Disable GH pages for OCA Explorer
#110 opened by amanji - 1
Fix JQ handling error in OCA Bundle generator script when using large lines in the branding.json file -- e.g. inline images
#100 opened by swcurran - 3
GHA to validate OCABundle.json on opened PRs
#59 opened by esune - 4
- 1
Discussion: What would be in an AnonCreds "presentation request" OCA Bundle consist?
#73 opened by swcurran - 0
OCA Explorer: Add support for uploading images and making them "data:" URLs in the branding JSON
#36 opened by swcurran - 0
- 0
Wording changes to tutorial button
#64 opened by amanji - 2
Add OCA bundles
#21 opened by amanji - 0
- 0
OCA Explorer: Stylize the page and add guidance
#33 opened by swcurran - 0
Add missing topics
#2 opened by repo-mountie - 28
Address the problem of ":"s in the folder names because of the use of identifiers
#22 opened by swcurran - 0
- 0
OCA Explorer: Adjust to support the Card View to include showing all of the attributes
#34 opened by swcurran - 0
- 0
- 0
OCA Explorer: Add support for handling the Aries special "dateint" and "Unix Time" data types
#39 opened by swcurran - 0
LSBC Member credential logo throwing 404 error
#42 opened by amanji - 2
- 1
- 0
Lets use common phrasing
#1 opened by repo-mountie