- 3
- 3
Task: Renew certificate before March 9th
#120 opened by pbastia - 2
Tech Debt: Transition to local terraform
#113 opened by pbastia - 4
- 1
- 0
- 0
Label Template
#112 opened by rdromey - 3
As a CAS data user, I want to have access to the latest version of Metabase (0.46), so that I can use the latest visualisation features
#103 opened by pbastia - 1
- 1
- 1
Setup Metabase hands-on training lab
#109 opened by Dianadec - 0
- 0
- 1
Update Metabase to latest version
#105 opened by dleard - 1
- 4
- 7
As a Metabase maintainer, I want to use certbot to retrieve the certificates, so that I can cut down on the amount of maintenance
#97 opened by pbastia - 2
- 2
Add pre-commit config
#86 opened by matthieu-foucault - 0
document the script
#83 opened by dleard - 3
Helm chart linting
#85 opened by matthieu-foucault - 8
Metabase Training - Scheduling Prep
#59 opened by Dianadec - 0
Upgrade metabase cas-postgres helm dependency and asdf postgres version
#69 opened by matthieu-foucault - 0
- 0
- 2
Add project lifecycle badge
#72 opened by repo-mountie - 0
- 4
Add project lifecycle badge
#8 opened by repo-mountie - 5
- 3
Context-specific Metabase Lab Training
#30 opened by Dianadec - 1
- 1
Automate metabase prod-test restore
#45 opened by dleard - 2
INVESTIGATE: As a developer, I want to create a data warehouse solution for the industrial ghg data that is compatible with Metabase and OCP
#36 opened by Dianadec - 0
Metabase horizontal pod autoscaler
#53 opened by dleard - 0
Metabase: As a maintainer, I want to use the airflow-dag-trigger job (created in #91) to trigger the dag-fetch job.
#38 opened by pbastia - 0
- 0
- 0
Upgrade metabase to v0.40.0
#39 opened by matthieu-foucault - 1
As a CIIP analyst/admin, I want access to Metabase training materials and supports that are clear, relevant, and consistent.
#34 opened by Dianadec - 0
explore for public report analytics
#29 opened by Dianadec - 1
Add missing topics
#2 opened by repo-mountie