WyoHackathon 2020 block chain project
Our project whitepaper can be found here: click here
- Front-End Development: HTML, CSS, VueJS, Vuetify, ReactJS,
- Blockchain Development: SimbaChain,
- Smart Contract Development: Remix
- Election officials create a smart contract for a tokenized election ballot.
- The Election Official (smart contract owner) adds candidates to the election ballot
- The Election Official (smart contract owner) adds authorized voters so they can vote on the election ballot
- Voters register with a wallet so that they can cast a secure and private vote
- Voters then cast their vote for a selected candidate
- Voters get a confirmed transaction ID that is a unique hash on the blockchain, confirming their vote was cast
- Voters can also sign up for SMS or email notification to confirm their vote
- Election officials can view vote tally by a candidate or by overall ballot
- Election officials can end the election ballot, locking it from further transactions
See Admin Portal.