
LightResto - A Lighthouse Labs Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Lighthouse Labs project


This is a project chosen from a list of ideas given to students at lighthouse labs for their midterm project.

It is a food ordering and pickup app for a single restaurant. The functionality works (so far) as you would expect it to work for customers to be able to place orders, as well as restaurants being able to confirm orders, and notify the customer when their food is ready using the Twilio API to send a text message.

Due to a time constraint of 7 days, our team decided to prioritize functionality over the front end looks. We made this decision understanding that the program has to work, and work as expected.


Notable Features

  • Live updates rendered to page when a user places an order. This way the restaurant will never have to refresh their page to get the latest orders, but will rather have them be displayed live as orders come in

    • This feature was implemented by renemroger using websockets
  • Spinning wheel on the top left on scroll

    • Implemented by ssspiderzzz with his Photoshop and front end abilities
  • Improvements

    • A place for users to create accounts and log in can be created (database currently supports multiple users and restaurants already, for this feature to work we need to implement some updates to our front side JS and our server routes)
    • CSS and design can be improved upon
    • Multi-restaurant support can be added (the database should be robust enough to scale nicely)


Please run npm i to install all dependencies

Run npm run local to get the server up and running

Go to localhost:8080 in your web browser to see the page


  • body-parser
  • chalk
  • cookie-session
  • dotenv
  • ejs
  • express
  • jquery
  • morgan
  • node-sass-middleware
  • pg
  • pg-native
  • socket.io
  • twilio


Home Page

Placing an Order

User's Order Page

Restaurant Orders Page


Documentation written by bchangg

Please contact any members of the team if you have any questions.