
Photometric stereo algorithms in numpy and pytorch.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Photometric Stereo

Estimating albedo, surface normal, depth from multiple illuminated images.


This repo implements some photometric stereo algorithms. The algorithms can be found the following papers:

  • Shape and Albedo from MUltiple Images using Integrability (Yuille and Snow)
  • Resolving the Generalized Bas-Relief Ambiguity by Entropy Minimization (Alldrin et al.)
  • A Closed-Form Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo via Diffuse Maxima (Favaro et al.)
  • Self-calibrating Photometric Stereo (Shi et al.)


Harvard Photometric Stereo Dataset


Albedo, normals, and depth estimation


Resolving GBR ambiguity

cat women frog
gbr gbr gbr

CPU and GPU versions

Both Numpy and Pytorch implementations are provided. The code is tested on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz CPU and a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU.

Dataset Numpy Pytorch
cat 93.46s 10.61s
women 71.58s 9.54s
frog 103.13s 10.94s


  • Coarse to fine refinement
  • Paper: Reflections on the Generalized Bas-Relief Ambiguity