Daily NB Make bed N Daycare pickup B Daycare dropoff B Breakfast B Feed/Walk dog (AM) B Feed/walk dog (PM) N Dishes N Bring in and sort mail pay tickets, cash checks, etc B Make lunches B Make dinner B Make breakfast B Make bb food B C bath N C drops N C dry N C bedtime N Put away dirty clothes (both) and tidy N Diaper bag pack N Daycare diaper bag B Milk (various) N breastfeeding

couple times week N bb nail clipping

Weekly B Trash B (Tues) B Groceries B (Sun) B Mint clean data B Check staples (diapers, pantry staples, cleaning products) B Ben bano wipe down N Nat bano wipe down B Reorg fridge, freezer, pantry B Coord w dog walker B facial hair B luna bath

Biweekly B Check paychecks (B) N Check paychecks (N) N Car cleaning, schedule car wash as needed B Mow lawn

Monthly B Pay daycare B (Monday 4 weeks next 4/06) B Check mortgage B Miont wrap up B Donation N Pay utilities () N Rosa N Luna meds/vet N organize c cloghes B Home maintenance checklist B Coordinate w handymen/contractors/gutter cleaners/arborist N credit card (payment/points) B pay marie

Annual N Luna vet B arborist B gutter ppl B Weeding, clearing debris N Windows and skylights etc N taxes N xmas gifts

As needed bimonthly B update medicine cabinet and emergency kit B haircut N haircut

trimonthly N luna grooming

quarterly B Reorganize garage

N Setting up guest room/ hosting N keepsakes/photos/etc N Gas in car N Buy nothing household N buy nothing C clothes N Dry cleaning N Home furnishings N Birthday cards and calls N manage calendar and update this list B get out cash B tech support N travel coordination N amazon returns B caleb doctor appts caleb dentist caleb haircut N nat doctor/dentist B ben doctor/dentist N travel planning (logistics) N travel planning (fun) estate planning N gifts B middle of night comfort B medical bills and health insurance stuff/ marie reimbursement NB Birthdays and events cooking, invites, cleaning,

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