
Dungeon of Doom is an RPG game the was firstly published by Usborne in 1984 with the book 'Write Your Own Fantasy Games (Usborne Computers & Electronics)'. This is a ruby rewrite

Primary LanguageRuby


Dungeon of Doom is an RPG game the was firstly published by Usborne in 1984 with the book 'Write Your Own Fantasy Games (Usborne Computers & Electronics)'. This is a ruby rewrite


  • ruby 1.9

  • uses curses library which comes with ruby 1.9 but in order to get UTF-8 characters to work ruby needs to be compiled with libncursesw5-dev. Install this libaray first before compiling ruby. Using rvm reinstall makes this task really easy.


  • bbc - original bbc basic source code. Need a BBC emulator to run

  • bin - executables and sample dungeon map and charaters. char_gen is the character generator, dun_gen is the dungeon generator and dod is the main game. Need to make these files executable by doing a $chmod 755 on bin/char_gen, bin/dun_gen and bin/dod. dungeon file is a sample dungeon map and mage.yaml and barb.yaml are sample character files

  • game_instructions.pdf - Book of Lore. Game playing instrucitons for the main game. The dungeon and character generator programs have slightly different commands. Press '?' while in these programs for commands.

  • lib - source code


If you have ruby 1.9 and its compiled with libncurses5-dev then

$cd bin


If you are having problems with the character sets, just change them in lib\dungeon_of_doom\constants.rb. The code was written for high school students to learn ruby. Hence it was written to be easily read and well documented. So areas of the code would be deemed inefficient for this reason.