
iOS video/audio auto-mixer

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Video Tuneup


Generating music based on video

  • mp3 and add audio-ducking (potentially covered by iMovie)

  • midi generation (tough algorithmically, maybe more of an april project or entire thesis)

  • very hard, high likelihood of bad-sounding music

  • get a movie, get frames from the movie

    • number of attribute variables from video

    • (maybe just analyze images?)

    • build music from images


build movie image thing, do music later

  • Use EchoNest API to chop up songs into bars and allow users to mix and match, creating a new remixed song. Pick n' Mixer

** Pros -- potentially fun to play with. Musically oriented ** Cons -- similar to garage band? Might not split up automatically though...

Echonest technique:


  1. User picks video
  2. User specifies song from library or URL (or we give list of available remote songs)
  3. (automatically) API call to EchoNest and beat match songs
  4. (automatically or user) build order of bars to fit video length (longer or shorter)
  5. (automatically) duck music volume based on video volume
  6. export back to library

3 songs: a. 1 2 3 [ … n-3] n-2 n-1 n (bars) 1 2 3 n-2 n-1 n (correct length)

b. 1 2 3 4 5 c.

(interface) movie -> image -> variables -> music

Variables from music (via echo nest):

  • time signature
  • key signature

variables from movie:

Video import/headers

  • length of film (NSString *const MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration;)?
    • Tracks -> Time -> [1][value]

With image analysis

  • fade-out
  • color content

Effects (output)

  • duck audio
  • pitch transpose
  • switch clips


  • shake orientation
  • discolor
  • slow down / speed up


EchoNest / Remix / Chopping code

Maybe we can build a web-based version and api…

iOS sample code

*auriotouch - waveform display in openGL https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/aurioTouch2/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40011369



Multipart NSMutableURLRequest