Welcome to the DermaLog.

This is my submission for Flatiron's Phase 2 project. This project was built using the Sinatra Framework for Ruby and SQLite as a database. This project was inspired by my own skin woes. I wanted to create a simple application that was simple to use to keep track of a user's skin health and daily changes. A user can signup, login, and the application ensures that only the user can access their data. A user can also create new logs, edit and delete any past logs.

To view

run bundle install

run shotgun in your terminal to view application in the browser

Signup to get access to the app and start logging!

Stretch Goals

The current state of the project is the Minimum Viable Project. After my bootcamp, I would like to extend the functionality of the application. A few things I'd like to do is..
-Allow a user to upload images when creating a log
-Create social functionality where a user can share their logs publically, have others recommend products


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.