AngularJS compiled with jsdom and provided as a CommonJS module. Intended for testing AngularJS code without depending on a browser.
- adam-stokes@elastic
- adriancboNew York, NY
- AgtLucasPlanet Earth
- atsumo
- bashamIndiana University
- bcherny@Anthropic
- binocarlosBristol UK
- brighthasbrighthas
- chris-l
- ColemanGarietyNorth Dakota
- distransientUnited States
- drhayes@glg
- EugeneKostrikovChisinau, Moldova
- eugenewareClickVideo
- jacobbubuLi Auto.
- johnwookSeoul
- johnyanarellaCodeCatalyst
- Jorshasaur
- kasperisager@holepunchto
- kevinsalter@betrapp
- kevinSuttleCincinnati, OH
- konsumerGummicube
- lifeisfooItaly
- mcollina@platformatic
- mhaidarhanif@bearmentor @bearmentor-community
- mlegenhausen@unsplash
- motorcityadamDetroit
- PatrickJS@kunai-consulting
- RGBboy
- rhalffRobbert Halff
- ruffrey@genomatica, @mailsac
- spacepluk@mooistudios
- tomyam1@tepez
- twilson63@hyper63
- vincentmacSimplicity.io
- vinum