Mixin utility for Angular that makes it easier to write min-safe code, and offers other conveniences.
// MyController.js
var mix = require('ng-mixin');
module.exports = mix({
$inject: ['$scope', 'myService'],
init: function ($scope, myService) {
// constructor logic here
// this.$scope and this.myService created automatically
$scope.$on('someEvent', this.someHandler);
someHandler: function () {
// this will still be the module, not the scope
// thanks to automatic binding
Can also be used like a traditional mixin, merging two or more objects.
// SomeModel.js
var mix = require('ng-mixin'),
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter.prototype;
module.exports = mix(EventEmitter, {
someMethod: function () {
// we now have event emitting thanks to EventEmitter mixin
this.emit('someEvent', prop)