Submission Instructions:

  1. Add the e-mails of each group member below
  2. Checkout this repo on your computer
  3. Push to the main branch when you are done.

Group Members

Student 1: <email>
Student 2: <email>
Student 3: <email>

Color Exercise

In this exercise we will pick the colors and fonts for the following use cases:

  1. Choose 3 colors and 2 fonts for an annual science fiction convention (scifi.html)
  2. Choose 3 colors and 2 fonts for a furniture e-commerce site, that specializes in mid-century modern style furniture (furniture-store.html)

You can use the following resources to generate color palettes for inspiration, or create your own!


In each of the html files scifi.html and furniture-store.html:

  1. Modify the colors/fonts at the top of file with things you choose. Feel free to get creative and modify other CSS on the page.
  2. Take a screenshot of each html file rendered and add it to this