This workshop requires:
maven 3.2+
JDK6+ (JDK8 if you want to have fun with lambdas)
optional: Tomcat 8 if you want to deploy a Spring Boot war application
Note that Spring Boot itself also works with Gradle 1.12.
The slides of the session are available on speakerdeck.
The provided applications are:
: main application we’ll work on (web, jpa, rest repositories, security, actuator) -
: showcase of a custom Spring Boot auto-configuration -
: example web app that can be deployed in a Servlet 3+ container.
The following command (or the equivalent IDE command) you get the required dependencies:
$ mvn clean package
You can check out at any time a branch that will bring you up to speed with the current step, with stepX
the name
of the step you want to be in (i.e. step is completed and you’re ready to work on the next one):
$ git reset origin/stepX --hard
This workshop has been prepared by Stéphane Nicoll and Brian Clozel.