greymatter sync


  1. Fork this repo and clone it to your machine.
  2. In the cli repo, checkout the branch catalog-v2 and run make install to build a binary and install it to your $GOPATH/bin directory.
  3. In the gm-catalog repo, checkout the branch feat/istio and run make docker.feat. Go to /docs/test/redis and follow the until you are able to create mesh and service entries.
  4. Configure the included .greymatter.yaml config example with the following:
    1. sync.configuration.url should point to the forked repo
    2. sync.credentials.privateKey, cipher.confiugration.privateKey, and cipher.configuration.publicKey should point to generated keys for connecting to Github with SSH.

Backing up configs to your repo

  1. Run ./ in this directory to store the config state of the mesh in this directory and push it up to your remote repo
  2. Inspect the contents of catalog-meshes, catalog-services, zone-0 and zone-1.

Syncing the mesh with your repo

  1. Run greymatter sync plan -c $PWD/.greymatter.yaml - all actions should be UPDATE, since no ./cache directory has been populated for storing applied config checksums
  2. Run greymatter sync apply -c $PWD/.greymatter.yaml - this populates the local ./cache directory with checksums of applied configs
  3. Run greymatter sync plan -c $PWD/.greymatter.yaml again - all actions should be NOOP since the destination config state (in deployed mesh) matches the source config state (this repo)

Applying new configs from repo changes

  1. Open catalog-services/my-mesh-catalog.json and edit "max_instances" to 2
  2. Commit this change and push to your remote repo
  3. Run greymatter sync plan -c $PWD/.greymatter.yaml - you should see an UPDATE action for catalog.
  4. Run greymatter sync apply -c $PWD/.greymatter.yaml - you should see a MODIFY action