This is the dataset used in the following research papers:
- Spatial Transformation for Image Composition via Correspondence Learning [arXiv]
- Virtual Accessory Try-On via Keypoint Hallucination [arXiv]
Our STRAT dataset contains three subdatasets: STRAT-glasses, STRAT-hat, and STRAT-tie, which correspond to "glasses try-on", "hat try-on", and "tie try-on" respectively. By treating accessory image (resp., human face or portrait image) as foreground (resp., background), we ask human annotators to paste the foreground on the background and adjust four vertices of foreground to generate a realistic composite image. After adjustment, the coordinates of four vertices are recorded. In each subdataset, the training set has 2000 pairs of foregrounds and backgrounds, while the test set has 1000 pairs of foregrounds and backgrounds. Some examples of foreground, background, and annotated composite image with composite foreground mask from three subdatasets are show in the figure below.
In the trans_params.json
, we record both the vertice coordinates and warpping parameters of the foreground for each pairwise sample. Specifically, init_vertex
represents the four vertices of the accessory in foreground image, and final_vertex
means the four vertices of the warped accessory in composite image. Given pairwise init_vertex
and final_vertex
, the transformation matrix (trans_matri
) can be derived by calling findHomography
function of OpenCV library. To facilitate verification of the warpping parameters we provide or your own predicted parameters, we shared python scripts
in this repository, which implement vertex transformation and composite image generation based on transformation matrix using opencv and pytorch, respectively. Considering that recent virtual try-on methods usually require semantic parsing, we also provide ground-truth semantic annotations in background_mask
and background_mask_comp
The STRAT dataset is provided in [Baidu Cloud] (access code: bcmi) or [Google Drive].
If you use our dataset, please cite our paper using the following BibTeX [arxiv]:
author = {Bo Zhang and
Yue Liu and
Kaixin Lu and
Li Niu and
Liqing Zhang},
title = {Spatial Transformation for Image Composition via Correspondence Learning},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2207.02398},
year = {2022},