
A snippet file of commonly used FANUC TP commands

MIT LicenseMIT


A snippet file of commonly used FANUC TP commands

This snippet file is now included in tpDev

Installing and Using

  • Install pathogen into \vimfiles\autoload and add the following line to your _vimrc:

      call pathogen#infect()
  • Install snipmate into vimfiles\bundle

  • Add the snippets folder to \vimfiles\bundle\vim-snipmate-master Note: the snippets are in all caps. Adding the following to your _vimrc will give you a separate caps-lock while in insert mode:

      "<C-^> is the new Caps Lock for insert mode only
      " Execute 'lnoremap x X' and 'lnoremap X x' for each letter a-z.
      for c in range(char2nr('A'), char2nr('Z'))
      execute 'lnoremap ' . nr2char(c+32) . ' ' . nr2char(c)
      execute 'lnoremap ' . nr2char(c) . ' ' . nr2char(c+32)
      :set iminsert=1
  • Open the snipptes.tp file to see what snippets are available and to add or edit snippets

  • If not already done, install vim-tp-fanuc into vimfiles\bundle for syntax highlighting
