
just a directory where to save my csharp basics skills

Primary LanguageC#



Here you'll find some of basic projects I have worked on in C#. The objective is to practice and learn the language from the basics to more advanced topics.

If you have any suggestions or improvements, please make a pull request or open an issue, I would love to hear them!


  • Hello World - A simple program that prints "Hello World" to the console.
  • Display Sum - A simple program that displays the sum of two numbers.
  • Rectangle Area - A simple program that displays the area of a rectangle.
  • Celsius to Fahrenheit - A simple program that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  • Largest Num - A simple program that displays the largest number of two numbers.
  • Multiplication Table - A simple program that displays the multiplication table of a number.
  • Factorial - A simple program that displays the factorial of a number.
  • Is Prime - A simple program that checks if a number is prime.
  • Reverse String - A simple program that reverses a string.
  • Vowels Count - A simple program that counts the number of vowels in a string.


  • Palindrome - A program that checks if a string is a palindrome.
  • Not Duplicates - A program that removes duplicates from a string.
  • Sum of Digits - A program that displays the sum of the digits of a number.
  • Max Occurrence - A program that displays the character that occurs the most in a string.